How Many Cloth Nappies Do You Really Need?

How Many Cloth Nappies Do You Really Need?

When parenting babies, you can never have enough nappies! But what if you don’t have enough?

For many parents who choose reusable cloth nappies, this can be a challenging consideration. How many cloth nappies do you really need to ensure that you never find yourself running short?

This is one of our most frequently asked questions, and the answer will vary depending on your child and their needs, along with several other factors. Remember, “enough nappies” is a variable term!

Here’s a basic guide to help you ensure that you have always have plenty of nappies available when you need them.

How often will you wash?

One of the key factors that will affect your nappy needs is your cleaning routine. How often do you plan to do a load of washing?

Generally speaking, it’s best to wash modern cloth nappies at least once every two days to prevent bacteria and stains. Most cloth nappies can be cleaned using just water and a gentle non-chemical washing liquid.

If you wash nappies every second day, 24 to 28 nappies should be plenty to see you through the day and night.

This will also allow a few extra nappies to accommodate longer drying times in rainy weather. It’s better to have too many nappies than not enough!

All the time or some of the time?

Wear time is another important consideration when deciding how many cloth nappies to purchase. Will your child be wearing cloth nappies all day and all night, or will you supplement with disposables some of the time?

If you’re only using modern cloth nappies part-time during the day, your child might only use 2 to 4 nappies per day, so 8 to 10 nappies will be plenty to last a two-day washing cycle.

If you’re using washable nappies, all day long, your child is likely to use 4 to 7 nappies per day, so you’ll need to make sure that you have at least 12 to 18 nappies on hand.

If you use cloth nappies all the time, during the day and at night, it’s always best to ensure that you have plenty of nappies available. If you’re washing nappies every second day, 24 to 28 cloth nappies should be enough to keep you well stocked.

How old is your child?

As babies become toddlers, their needs change, and they are likely to use less nappies in a day, so when choosing how many nappies to buy, it’s important to consider your child’s age.

Newborns tend to use more nappies, often needing up to 12 nappies per day. If you’re washing every second day, you’ll want to ensure that you have at least 24 nappies available.

Older babies and toddlers might only use 6 to 8 nappies per day, so on a two-day wash cycle, you can rely on a supply of just 12 to 18 nappies.

Always carry spare nappies

Parenting is full of surprises, so if you want to prevent messy accidents, it’s a good idea to be prepared with spare nappies.

When your child is sick or experiences a change in diet, they may need more nappies than usual, which is a challenge if there aren’t any available.

The benefit of reusable nappies is that you can bolster your supply by simply changing your washing regimen. Running low on stock? Wash daily instead of washing every second day!

Still, no one wants to be worried about running out of nappies in an emergency. To ensure that you’re never caught without the nappies you need, make sure that you always have a few spares on hand.

Failing all else

While reusable nappies are the best option for children and for the environment, sometimes, life happens.

If you run out of modern cloth nappies, using a couple of disposable nappies can help tide you over until you’ve caught up on washing and stocked up on reusables.

Every nappy shortage is a learning curve that will help you predict exactly how many nappies you’ll need in the future.

Are you ready to stock up on a few more modern cloth nappies?

At Ella & Maeve, we have many great options to choose from, made from organic materials and featuring unique prints and designs. Visit our online store, and start shopping!

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